Metaverse Wine Week

Roberta Garibaldi, a university professor, carries out training and research activities for the promotion of territories, food and wine tourism, and cultural tourism, and is the director of internationally applied projects. She has worked for multiple Ministries of Tourism and international organizations (from the UNWTO-World Tourism Organization to the FAO). For her work, she was awarded the honor of Knight of the Order “Al Merito della Repubblica Italiana” (Merit of the Italian Republic). She is also among the 15 women of the year according to Cook – Corriere della Sera. She was the CEO of ENIT – National Tourism Agency during the Draghi government and Vice President of the Tourism Commission of the OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. She is a keynote speaker at major events on the topic of tourism. She holds numerous positions, including President of the Italian Food and Wine Tourism Association. She is the author of 23 books and over 60 scientific publications. There are 11 editions of the Report on Food and Wine Tourism.